Today , out guest speaker was Connie Kollmeyer, Adjunct Instructor at the College of DuPage Horticulture Department. 
The vegetable gardening program at the jail is one of many programs available to the inmates from JUST of DuPage County to combat recidivism. The gardening program involves the cooperation of the horticulture departments of College of DuPage and Cantigny Park. The produce raised by the inmates is donated to local not-for-profit organizations. The participating inmates can earn a Sustainable Urban Agriculture certificate with the course work being identical to that required of students at COD. 
For additional information regarding JUST of DuPage County, visit their website: (https://justofdupage.org/home)
For additional information regarding the Horticulture Department at COD including degree and certificate programs, visit their website: https://www.cod.edu/academics/programs/horticulture/